» Let's bring about a shift in perspective and consciousness that will offer you the key to overcoming obstacles «
Moving beyond obstacles and into flow
Theme » Shifting perspectives
Enquiry » What do I need to let go of to bring more ease into my life?
Invocation » Anything that is blocked that is keeping me from knowing a way forward, I release into the fire! SWAHA
Unlocking our Heart-Mind Coherence to Shift Perspectives and Overcome Obstacles
This ceremony is about shifting perspective. Einstein famously said... “We cannot solve problems at the same level of thinking that we were at when we created those problems.”
We are going to bring about a shift in perspective and consciousness that will offer you the key to overcoming obstacles using ancient practices from around the world; imbibing the cacao elixir, meditating on the fire havan and voicing sacred mantra... and we will call upon one of the most popular deities in the yogic pantheon; Ganesha to aid our intention.
Whether you have a specific project in mind to bring forward, or you want to have more ease and tenacity in your life in general, this ceremony will amplify these energies into your field.
It is our participation in these sacred practices that will bring forth heart-mind coherence, and it is our heart-mind coherence that will allow us to shift from the realm of 'problem' to a completely different paradigm; where seemingly opposing forces can co-exist as a paradox to be explored.
From this state, overcoming obstacles is inevitable.
But don't take our word for it. This is for you to discover and to feel within your body. The evening will provide plenty of time for your nervous system to 'clock' what it feels like to be in heart-mind coherence, and to review your life and the world from this more expanded perspective.
So come and potentize your heart-mind coherence as we enter the dark months of the year, allowing this introspective time to be a fruitful endeavour in shifting perspectives and overcoming (seeming) obstacles.
Integrating your experience
We have the opportunity to reset old beliefs at this time; our body-mind is open to receiving new information, new beliefs, new perspectives.
Have a play with any of the following enquiries. If you find one that resonates with you, see if you can turn it into a new positive statement for yourself.
What if change is easeful?
What if surrendering is blissful?
What if transformations are fun and enjoyable?
What if 'no dramas' is enlivening?
What if obstacles are the result of life rearranging itself more optimally around you?
What if decisions are easy?
What if there is no right or wrong, but just an experience to be enjoyed and explored?
What if the most perfect way of being is being authentically imperfect?
What if self development work is just a game we use to entertain ourselves?
What if ease, flow and happiness is always present?
What if clarity is easy to access?
What if let-downs are amusing?
What if doubt, anger and fear are simply signals to tune inwards and take more time for ourselves?
What if feeling 'off' is a signal to slow down, turn inwards?
Or my current favourite; what if ordeals are #ordealicious? (let's roll that hashtag out!!)
Life doesn't have to be experienced as an ordeal.
If our nervous system is primed for drama, conflict, doubt, chaos, then we experience more of that - that's our nervous system seeking safety in what is known.
Last night gave us the embodied and conscious insight to choose how we wish to show up. We can choose to come back to that state we cultivated last night.
You may like to chant Om Gam Ganapataye Namah throughout the day, and as you do so, allow your body to remember that state of ease and flow and openness that we touched last night.
From this state of heart and mind coherence, there is room to challenge long held beliefs about life needing to be hard or difficult. Let's see if we can be curious.
This openness allows our nervous system to retrain itself to a new, more wholesome state of safety and wellbeing.
If you would like extra support at this time to integrate your experience, please reach out.
The Power of Ritual: Amplifying Intentions with Cacao, Fire, Mantra, and Meditation
Using the heart opening technologies of Cacao, Mantra, Fire Havan & Kirtan to clarify our intention and bring it forth into the world
In these power-filled ceremonies, we create space to get clear on our personal and collective intention; and then we amplify this by opening our heart with the aid of the cacao elixir, purifying our mind with the fire havan and sacred mantra, and shifting into heart-mind coherence using the practice of kirtan and meditation. It's quite the formula!
We offer invocations to welcome, or call upon that particular aspect of divinity within our Self and within the cosmos. As above, so below; what is within the whole is within us also.